this time I will share information about creating joomla website with classified ads, things that need to be prepared is to download djclassifield form, component djclassifield just one package, free ko just calm
then install it on joomla site if you do not have it for once and for tutorial try searching on google definitely a lot, okay for existing direct its site joomla just install all the necessary modules and components djclassifield, after all components are installed try clicking the menu and select djclassifield, there is a menu on the page parameters, see and change as needed if not default aja ya, well kept there are also new menus to create a category of ads that will appear, make a few categories of ads that you want to pay more references in the classified ads ato looking at other classifieds website, after the category was made then please click the menus and select MainMenu, create a new menu by clicking New trus will show the option select item type , and select djclassifield, in djclassifield there are several items which are:
Add an item to display the form input ad
2.category view to display all ads
nah once the menu is made then all can be viewed directly please go to your site to see it ... yes uudh kaga completed no more, for more shall you find yourself.
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